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A Holy Moment - SVDP Rent and Utilities Team

Submitted on 5/29/2024

The St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) St Pius X Conference received an email for rental assistance from a single mom with a 5 year old child. She was involved in a car accident, in which the car was totaled, she was injured and will be unable to work for a couple of weeks. She pleaded for our help in order to avoid eviction. Because we had run out of funds by the time this email was received, we had to reach out to other SVDP Conferences and the Portland Council to see if they would be able to help. With God's Grace one of the conferences and the Portland Council joined us in contributing to help her. We contacted her and informed her that St. Vincent de Paul would be able to help pay her rent for the month. She was elated and very appreciative of our help.

A Holy Moment - Bob Weisend (KOC Membership Director)

Submitted on 4/11/2024

As I was leaving the parish campus the other day my mind drifted to the Knights of Columbus Memorial hidden behind the St. Pius Catholic Church Monument. So I decided to stop and pray for our deceased members for a while. It reminded  me of when Paul Anctil and I first wanted to honor all our Knights in Council 12656 who had passed. Some left an indelible mark on  me that I will not soon forget. I have many memories of those Knights who have gone  before us who helped make our St. Pius X Council what It is today. As I set and prayed for all (36) Knights I read and through their names and recalled all their valued input to grow our Council. Many widows may not even know it's there. If my mind serves me correctly we had it made in 2000. I made a commitment to Paul that I would see it through to completion. (Well Done Good and Faithful Servant) is our slogan. We pray for our Knights & their Widows. Stop by  and spend a little time praying. Amen

Stop by and spend a little time praying for these Men of Faith.

A Holy Moment - St. Pius X SVDP Rent and Utilities Team

Submitted on 8/23/2023

We have many St. Vincent de Paul volunteers who assist people in need with food, clothing, and rent and utility assistance, and recently we had a Holy Moment and were able to help a young family avoid eviction from their home. They were in dire circumstances with a premature 1 month old baby, both parents had lost their jobs, and the husband was getting brain cancer treatment and wasn’t cleared to work. With the help of Veronica at the church office to communicate to the Spanish speaking family and to set them up to get food and baby items, and the sympathetic landlord, the SVDP team were able to help this family in need. The family was so grateful and overwhelmed with our generosity.

A Holy Moment - Chris Greiveldinger

Submitted on 8/08/2023

One of the regular shoppers at the St. Vincent de Paul pantry contacted us because he had been in a car accident and no longer had a way to get to the pantry. He was having trouble making alternative arrangements for food, so another Vincentian and I went to his house to meet with him to see what we could do. While talking with him we learned about other concerns he had from his water bill to getting firewood to heat his house in the winter to dealing with the insurance company for the car accident. More importantly, we were able to establish a relationship with this neighbor who was in such dire straits. He said a couple of things that really struck me and made me realize that our meeting was a Holy Moment. First, he shared one of his mottos, “The most important question you can ask yourself is ‘How can I be of help?’”

Later in the conversation, he revealed that he’s not a member of any faith, but he had been discussing Christianity with others recently. One night he was particularly overwhelmed with his situation, and he said, “Jesus, I don’t believe in you. I don’t want to live right now, but I don’t want to die either. I’m so overwhelmed, and I don’t know what to do.” In the morning after he woke up he still had all the same problems to solve, but he no longer felt that they were strangling him. His heart was surprisingly at ease. He told us, “I have no rational way to explain how that happened.” His experience was truly a Holy Moment, and hearing his story was another Holy Moment.

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #18 Submittal

One holy moment I had recently occurred in Switzerland over the summer. Over the summer my family took two weeks of to travel throughout Europe stopping at a few places throughout Europe. One place was Switzerland. As soon as I stepped outside of the plane I could tell right away that this place was going to have some amazing sights. The next day we rented a small boat for an hour and took it out into a lake. The lake was so clear you could see the bottom from halfway into the lake. The lake was not the only thing that amazed me though. From the lake you had a direct view of the Appalachian Mountains. It almost seemed as though they were right in front of me. At that moment I thought about how cool it was for me to be in that place at that time, and also how there was like a one and a million chance of me being there. I was so glad I did go, and it will always be remembered as a really unique experience.

Student #19 Submittal

I have two Holy Moments that came when I was volunteering at the St. Vincent De Paul food pantry at St. Pius X school. At the SVDP food pantry people who are in need of food come and are able to shop for themselves and their family. The volunteers walk with them and help them get the food they want, and then another volunteer puts all the food into bags and weighs them to keep track of how many pounds of food they give away. One day we gave away around 280 pounds of food, but two people couldn’t make it that day so it could have been more. One Holy Moment came when a little girl and her dad were shopping. It turned out it was the little girl’s birthday, and we had some cakes and pies. We told her to pick out whatever she wanted, and out of all the big pies and cakes, she took one slice of cake, and said that that was enough for her. This was very surprising because I would have picked out a larger cake if I was her. The other moment was when we gave out the food, and it was the women’s frst time being there. When we gave out all the food, she asked how much she had to pay. We told her it was free, and she was so surprised and flled with joy. She said, “God bless you all.” and this was a very humbling moment.

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #16 Submittal

There have been a few holy moments in my years here on Earth. Even though all these holy moments were small they gave me a feeling of hope and comfort. I have so many memories of seeing the beautiful works of God presented in front of me. The sunsetting, the stars in the sky, snow gently falling, the moon lighting up in the darkness, the loud thunder in the night, and so much more. Perhaps I did not find these moments holy at the time, but going back these moments are proof of God’s love, for they are beautiful works of nature. Being able to experience these moments make me thankful for everything that I have in life and in this world that God created.

Student #17 Submittal

Surprisingly, my holy moment didn’t occur when I was happy or at peace or any of those things. It was a Saturday, and I had woken up feeling intensely nauseous. I had laid in bed for a few hours and couldn’t do anything. I was really disappointed because my family had plans to have dinner at our house with some friends for later that day and I feared I was going to miss it. Much time passed, until it was finally time for dinner, and I was still laying in bed. The friends arrived, and asked to see me. Against my better judgment I told them they could come in. They sat talking with me for a few minutes and my mom’s friend put her hands on my shoulders. She prayed for me and told the Holy Spirit to vanquish whatever was making me sick. After about a minute or two I felt completely better. Completely. It was actually a little scary at the time. She is one of the most spiritual people I’ve ever met and I am surprised by what she was able to do to this day.

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #15 Submittal

A Holy Moment which happened was when my mom and I were going to the Jesuit interview. We were stressed and running late. I took a moment in the chaos to pray that God would allow us to arrive there at most 5 minutes late. I also prayed that God would allow the interviewers to still interview us, despite us being late. I finished my prayer and looked back up. That is when my mom said, “All the lights are green. Even if they are red, by the time we get there, they turn green.” That is when I knew my prayer was answered. I realized this was the truth, and we both thanked God for his kindness. When we got there, the interviewers still allowed us to receive an interview. That is my Holy Moment.

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #13 Submittal

A time that I had a holy moment was when I joined the church, which was in the third grade. Being a part of the St. Pius church has helped me grow closer to God. Ever since I joined the church, I have been attending mass regularly on Sundays and I now pray more at times such as before meals, before bed, and in the morning. Also, in the church, I get the feeling of being in a community so I can seek help from someone if I ever need it.

Student #14 Submittal

One holy moment I have had is with our family friends. We have gone to Sunriver on the last week of summer every year since I was born, and one of our favorite traditions is star watching. I went out with the other family’s son, daughter, and dad, and we lay in the middle of the road, covered in blankets, to watch the shooting stars. It is very peaceful to sit in silence, pray, and spend time with my own thoughts. We go at around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, so there are no distractions. I only get to do it around twice a year, so it is very special to me, and something I look forward to every summer.

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #12 Submittal

One time I had a holy moment was when my family and I went to Christmas Eve Mass. We arrived about an hour early so we could get closer seats. I sat and talked with some friends. Later, when mass started, I remember just feeling the atmosphere of the church. The choir and musicians were playing beautiful songs, and the whole church was filled with singing. It was an amazing experience and I left feeling different and more prepared for Christmas.

A Holy Moment - Cathy Funk

Submitted on 3/14/2023

I had a 9:15 appointment in Tualatin and so allowed 50 minutes to make it from my home near St. Vincent’s Hospital. As expected traffic slowed to 5 mph or less on 217 from Beaverton to the I-5 exit. 22 minutes the sign said. Ordinarily my stomach would be knotted into a ball of tension, but instead it became a time of prayerful surrender to the will of God. I felt Jesus calming me with his presence the whole way, and yes, I did make it exactly on time.

- Cathy Funk

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #11 Submittal

My holy moment was a couple months ago. I went to the store with my dad to get some gatorade for my brother. While we were trying to fnd my brother’s favorite favor, a man walked in. I recognized this man from before. He had helped someone outside the store restart their car’s engine. My dad recognized him too. After fnding my brother’s favorite favor, we went to buy it. My dad bought the gatorade and gave 20 dollars to the cashier and told him it was for the other man in the store. As we were leaving, the man from before came outside, and tried to give my dad back the money. My dad refused it and told him to pay it forward, knowing he would do so. This kindness from my dad made me realize a little kindness can go a long way, and brighten up someone’s day.

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #9 Submittal

A couple weeks ago, when I was preparing to canter for the church, my choir director had recommended me to take voice lessons. He believed my voice had the potential to win voice competitions with the help of a teacher, so the teacher could train my voice. After I finished practicing, I went out of the room and just thought about my gift God gave me. I thought about how thankful I was God gave me such a wonderful gift. That day, I really felt how God’s love impacts my life on a daily basis.

Student #10 Submittal

When I was at outdoor school with my grade, I experienced a holy moment. Father Sean came for the day to lead a mass for our class. While the masses are always holy, this mass in particular was very special to me. Everyone in our grade participated a lot and seemed very connected. It was a little different than regular masses. For instance, it was shorter, we all sat on the floor, and a student even performed the homily. It was a very special holy moment for me, and I felt like the mass had unified our class and made us a great community afterward.

A Holy Moment - Bob Weisend

Submitted on 3/08/2023

When you think about it, Holy Moments are all around us every day. When you’re driving, helping your neighbors, talking to strangers in the store, or just getting someone to smile and say good morning. You can make this messy world a better place by performing one holy moment each day of your lives.

One of my favored Holy Moments takes place every 3rd Wednesday of the month at Saint Mary’s Home for Boys.

At 5:00 PM. the St. Pius X Knights of Columbus and their wives serve 45 to 75 boys, plus counselors, Ice Cream and Cake. We celebrate all Birthdays of the boys who have birthdays in that month. We celebrate even though there are no birthdays.

The interesting thing is, St. Pius X Knights of Columbus has supported this community service program for over 14 years now, and yes that’s right over 14 years and still counting. Even the past three COVID years we delivered Cake, Ice Cream and Birthday Cards for the boys to enjoy. This HOLY Moment lets the boys know someone cares about them and loves them.

Our reward is the thank you cards I receive from all 40 to 75 boys each month. I read each and every one and a few of them have brought tears to my eyes. These young boys need our prayers, love, and kindness. God Bless

Bob Weisend

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023

Student #5 Submittal

My Holy Moment was when I found out that my close friends and neighbors sponsor a young girl in Africa. This couple showed me the letter that the young girl sent to them, thanking them for their help. With their sponsorship, the young girl is able to attend school, in which she makes amazing grades. This young girl is so grateful to receive an education and in her letter, thanked them for the sponsorship and wrote about how much she loves going to school and learning.


Student #6 Submittal
My Holy moment was when I was going through a stressful time in my life due to issues in my personal life. I tried everything to get my life back on track, but nothing seemed to work. One day I decided to just pray to God and spend some time with him. The next day when I woke up, I felt like all the stress and bad feelings had left my body. Simply praying to God had changed my life.


Student #7 Submittal
A holy moment I had was when I was visiting Montana. I was at my grandparent’s house on the river, and I woke up early one day. The sun had already risen, but it was still peaceful outside. I looked out the window to fnd deer grazing in the yard. They looked so graceful and calm. The deer were picking and eating apples of of the tree near our house. I felt at such rest watching them. After a little while, the deer ran of. I always reflect on how happy I felt at this moment.


Student #8 Submittal
I think that one time I have experienced a holy moment was when I decided to visit the adoration chapel for the first time. I went by myself and I ended up taking time to reflect on some of my life’s actions. I also thought about whether I was being kind to others even when they are not present. I really had time to reflect and I got motivation to become a better person that day.

SPX Student Holy Moments

Submitted on 2/08/2023


Student #1 Submittal

When I broke my finger, many strangers came to my help, getting me ice and helping me get through the pain to the hospital. In the moment I didn’t think much of it, but later I realized how much those people helped me.

Student #2 Submittal

The week after my grandfather died, the church offered the purpose of the Mass for him. When they announced the prayers were for the repose of his soul, I remember someone looking back at me recognizing the last name. They didn’t say anything to me about it, which I appreciated, but I could tell they knew how I felt. For some reason it just gave me a little bit of comfort after his death.

Student #3 Submittal

My holy moment was praying as a family for my little cousin. My little cousin had gotten sick and had to go to the hospital. My family got together as a group and we prayed to God and asked him to help my little cousin get better. My little cousin got better after a while and we were grateful to God for helping him.

Student #4 Submittal

My Holy Moments are when I get to attend Christmas Mass every year with my godparents. I do not get to see them a lot throughout the year, so the hour that we have together at Mass is special to me.

- St. Pius X Catholic School Students

A Holy Moment - Cole Hosana

Submitted on 2/12/2023

The holy moment that comes to my mind is my commitment to altar serving funeral masses. I serve at Sunday mass and Wednesday school masses but when I serve at funerals it’s a different type of service. It makes me feel so sad for the families that have lost loved ones. But when I serve these masses I know that I am helping to provide some comfort for these families by assisting the priest and deacons with the mass. It also helps remind me that this life on earth isn’t our home— it’s just where we live. And that these people are now in their heavenly home with God. So that makes me feel good.


- Cole Hosana

A Holy Moment - Dorothy Presnell

Submitted on 1/31/2023


“The last couple of years has been very difficult for me. I lost 5 family close family members within months of each other. The latest being my daughter, instead of turning to the Lord for strength my soul became very dark. In the fall I started two bible studies. It helped but i was still missing something."
"I made a promise to myself that I would do the Catechism in a year. One day the discussion was on the scriptures. All of a sudden, I felt like I was surrounded by light. There was a calm and a feeling of being surrounded by Gods love. Naturally I told everyone I talked to. The main thing my soul was no longer dark. Unable to to attend mass I watched it faithfully every Sunday and daily mass."


"Following my daughter's death, a friend asked what she could do. The first thing I thought of was to arrange for me to receive the Holy Eucharist. Together all of this has brought me peace and a renewed love of my faith and God."


- Dorothy Presnell

Dorothy Presnell

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