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Liturgy & Worship Ministries

St. Pius X Liturgy and Worship - Title Image

The source and summit of our Catholic Faith is the Eucharist. We gather around the altar to share in the one Body and one Cup of Christ. But worship doesn’t end with the Mass, so this commission speaks for all ministries which are somehow involved in a church liturgy by helping to plan, execute, and evaluate the liturgical practices of our parish.

Commissioned by the Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council Representative:

  • Melliza Palazo

  • Alternate TBD

Parish Leadership Team Contact:


Adoration Chapel
  • Adoration provides the opportunity to spend time in the presence of our Lord. The adoration chapel is open 24 hours a day, except when the chapel is needed as a cry-room during Sunday and School Masses. All parishioners are encouraged and invited to stop by the chapel to pray at any time. Note: a code is needed to enter between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. This code may be obtained, in person, from the Parish office. You must be a registered parishioner.

  • Coordinator: Vivian Aguirre,

Altar Environment Team
  • The Altar Environment Team sees to the beauty of our worship area, especially the sanctuary. They clean the sanctuary, dress the altar in the proper seasonal colors, and decorate the sanctuary and maintain any plants/flowers that are used.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

Altar Linen Society
  • The Altar Linen Society maintains the linens and vestments used during Mass. This includes the washing, ironing, folding, repair and maintenance of the linens and vestments of the priests and servers.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

Altar Servers
  • Assists during Masses as cross bearer, candle bearer, and, occasionally, thurifer. They also help the priest at the altar. Requirements: 4th Grade and above.

  • Coordinator: Melliza Palazo,

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (at Mass)
  • Helps to distribute the Most Holy Eucharist at the Mass.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (for Homebound)
  • Members of the Homebound Ministry are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who take Holy Communion to the ill and aged who are no longer able to participate in Mass at church. We see members of our parish in their homes, care centers, hospitals and nursing homes

  • Helps to take the Most Holy Eucharist to the sick at their places of residence.

  • Coordinator: Susan Moscato,

Funeral Coordination
  • The funeral coordinator meets with the family of the deceased assisting them in scheduling the church and planning the funeral service and reception. This includes help in choosing reading selections and provides information on funeral homes. 

  • The coordinator attends the funeral assuring that everything goes smoothly. If requested, the coordinator may step in as Eucharistic Minister or lector

  • Coordinator: Evelyn Gibbons, & Tom English,

Gift Bearer
  • Processes to the altar with the gifts of bread and wine, the Book of Intentions, and the Offertory collection. 

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

  • Greeters welcome parishioners as they enter the church building at weekend Masses and help create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the church. Greeters are scheduled to offer welcome at one Mass each month. This is a wonderful ministry in which the whole family can get involved.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

Music Ministry
  • Works with the Director of Music to provide music at various liturgies at St. Pius X with the goal of encouraging increased participation from the congregation. 

  • There are opportunities to be a solo cantor or to be part of a choir. All singers and musicians are welcome.

  • Coordinator: (TBD), Director of Music Ministry,

Three choirs regularly assist at Sunday Masses, and one choir assists about once per month:  

  1. Parish Choir (10:30 a.m.), 

  2. Spanish Choir (1:00 p.m.)

  3. Contemporary Choir (5:00 p.m.).

Pew Organizers
  • The pew organizers maintain the nave area of the church. They regularly straighten the pews by organizing hymnals, envelopes, and removing paper. They also refresh the holy water fonts.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

Prayer Devotions
  • There is a communal prayer devotion where parishioners come together to share an active involvement in worship –

  1. Rosary – The Rosary is prayed after the daily 8:15 am Mass.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer

  • Proclaims the Sacred Scripture at Mass and, if no Deacon, the Prayers of the Faithful. At times, they may also read the welcome and announcements.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

  • Prepares the church for Mass. May open and unlock the church, prepare vessels for the Mass (including bread and wine), sets out liturgical books, vestments, and candles. Then, after Mass, cleans and puts all these things away. In addition, they may also act as coordinator for other liturgical volunteers at the Mass to assure that other positions are covered. Reader, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, etc.

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant

Stations of the Cross
  • Prepares the Church for the Stations of the Cross during Lent. Opens the church, puts pamphlets out, and at times leads the stations themselves. 

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

  • Assist inside the Church by helping people find seats. During Mass, they assist with the Offertory Collection and during distribution of the Blessed Sacrament. 

  • Coordinator: Volunteer or Liturgical Assistant.

Wedding Coordinator
  • If you are engaged, the wedding coordinator will answer your questions about classes and counselling, scheduling the church and planning the ceremony Helps coordinate wedding liturgies and rehearsals. 

  • Coordinator (English): Barb & Tom English,

  • Coordinador (español): Pablo Salcedo,

Parish Office Hours

Sunday   ~  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Monday  ~  8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Tue-Fri   ~  8:30 am - 4:00 pm

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