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Mass Times

Mass Times and Information

St. Pius X Church Cross - Title Image

Weekly Mass Schedule


8:15 am Mondays-Saturdays

7:00 pm Thursdays (Spanish)



5:00 pm



8:00 am, 10:30 am

1:00 pm (Spanish)

5:00 pm (Contemporary)



3:30 - 4:30 pm Saturday

or by appointment

Call 503-644-5264

Adoration Chapel


(Non Registered Members)

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Registered Members

24 Hr Access

Code Required for Members

between the hours of

4:00 pm - 9:00 am

See Front Desk


Daily Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel)

Adoration provides the opportunity to spend time in the presence of the Lord. The adoration chapel is open 24 hours a day, except when the chapel is needed as a cry-room during Sunday and School Masses. All parishioners are encouraged and invited to stop by the chapel to pray at any time. Note: a code is needed to enter between the hours of 4:00 PM-9:00 AM. This code may be obtained, in person, from the Parish office-you must be a registered parishioner.



Saturdays 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm or by appointment


Instruction class is required for parents and Godparents. The child must be under the age of 7 years old.



The Sacrament of Confirmation is available to all teens of the parish (7th grade and older) who have already received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Eucharist. 


Preparation classes are required, and either party or parents must be current members of this parish. Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance. Click here for more information or to register for a wedding, or contact the parish office at 503-644-5264.


Sick Calls and Emergencies

In case of an emergency, a priest can be paged by our automated phone system, any time of the day or night. The Sacrament of the Sick is available. Weekly Holy Communion visitations can be arranged for people who are unable to come to mass for a period of time.  Please call the Parish office at 503-644-5264.


Funeral Service and Reception

To arrange for a funeral to be held at St. Pius X Church contact Funeral Coordinator, Evelyn Gibbons, 503-614-9415 or call the parish office at 503-644-5264. 

The funeral coordinator meets with the family of the deceased assisting them in scheduling the church and planning the funeral service and reception. This includes help in choosing the reading selections and provides information on funeral homes.

The coordinator attends the funeral assuring that everything goes smoothly. If requested, the coordinator may step in as Eu

Parish Office Hours

Sunday   ~  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Monday  ~  8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Tue-Fri   ~  8:30 am - 4:00 pm

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