Remembering our family and friends that have moved on from this mortal realm
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. - 2 Cor 4:16-18
Lonnie Bernard Colvin
Leonor Santos
Leon Yragui
Josefina Lim
Rose Scherzinger
Ken Harris
Dennis Carrol
Shelley Jones
Timothy Fornshell
Tom Rocks
Stephen Norwood
Janice Neitling
Loretta Pericin
George Njuguna
Barbara Anctil
Michael Kwong
Jill Larsen
Charles White
Carole Arnold
Mario Rosas
Margaret Barbero
Neil Stoneberg
Rodney Peloquin
Gordon MacMillan
Shelley McNamee Gross
Judy Cherry
Ginny Bingenheimer
Joan Kinzel
Peter M Smiley
Judy Etzel
Jose Flores
Daniel Morantte
Grace Yoshiko Kawaski
Juana Maria Henriques
Ron Collins Sr.
Maria Stofko
Philip Scheideman
Mary Jane Joyce
Al Lucas Jr
Nita Perlas
Lucy Wariara Njuguna
Sergio Guerra
Hermelinda Vera
Dolores Colombo
Jeanne Pierson
David Campbell
Zachary Taylor
Edmund Pean
Jon Walsh
Loretta Tramp
Carol Van Dyke
Elizabeth Rudy
Josephine Duke
Helen Geiger
Vern Hearn
David Wickham
Victor Amador
Mary Butler Getty
Michael Getty
Jose Monroy
Kenneth Gies
Bill Mooney
Jim F. Darby
Gene Crucchiola
Julia Loyacano
Elizabeth Torres
Carolina Tizon
Peter Tutmark
Frank Frohoff
Frank Lajoy
Isabelle Madden
Heribert Hoser
Pete Geiger
Matthew Rocks
Shirley Beatty
Antonie Lammers
Cesar Ramos
Ignacia Acevedo
Mary Grino
Matthew Gambee
Dara King
Betty Weeks
Evanka Beovich
Sally Petro
Dwain Quandt
Cheryl Froeber
Elsa Garcia
Chris Pasion
Michael Fey
Meryl Duke
Louise Pinion
Mary Cotterell
Jackie Wallace
Felipe Aguillon
Priscilla Welch
Irene Kroner
Peter Kwong
Eric Wieber
Bernie Fillback
Novoa Herrera
Pat Wozniak
Bob Mathis
Paul Stull Jr.
Mary Seats
Mary Bloom
Manuela Morales
Juan Jose Guerrero
Matthew Henningsen
Leopoldo Morales Jr.